Hello USA Progressives

This is the nation-wide organization’s site
primarily for USA Greens but which can be for other
Progressive parties
and their candidates as well.

See the Site Map for a list
of all the active state GP sites in this multisite network.

In addition to any public information individual state parties may want to share on this multisite, this currently “unofficial” nation-wide site can have the names of the Green/progressive candidates and some summary information about their campaign activities nation-wide and in particular states.  This nation-wide site may also have the names of candidates for congress and for state and local in-state offices as well as summaries of their respective campaign activities. The details shared by state parties of the party’s activity and their state candidates’ activities can be presented on their state-wide site each of which is another site of this WP multisite.

Your GP/progressive separate and independent state site administrators and any site content developers with a log in account on this GPUS WP multisite will have the ability to add more site overview information about their separate and independent state site here.  They can do so in “about”, “events”, “issues” and “news” pages.

Separate and independent State Site administrators please note: If your state party growth in your state increases sufficiently, you may want to have 2nd WP state multisite which has a both a state-wide site and which has 1+ county sites for your state as part of what can be your state’s WP multisite network.  In this site developer’s opinion, the fastest growing county operations — and fast growing pledged progressive donors and voter lists for a county — should get their own sites first.

However, if there is sufficient need for more county sites, you or “party management” will need to recruit more technical people to manage the new sites and content developer people to perform the increased amount of party and candidate-related content development for 1+ of the new and existing county sites.

Of course, you and your “state staff” people, assuming you can afford some of those, will need to recruit more management, aka supervisorial, people to oversee and manage campaign operations in the state and in each county and who can ensure that information shared between independent sites and your state multisite is correct and up to date.